Hypopadias is a common congenital anomaly affecting about 1% of male live birth. It has become a true speciality that involves different intrested disciplines including Pediatric Surgeons, Pediatric Urologists, Urologists, Plastic Surgeons, Andrologists, Endocrinologists, Psychiatrists as well as basic science in the field of Anatomy, Physiology, Genetics and Embryology as well as parents and support groups. There is a lot that is still unknown about this particular and interesting field of medicine and science. There is a need to promote research and to set a high standard of patient care and ethics and to exchange and promote knowledge and experience.
1. Objectives of the Society
The objectives of the Hypospadias International Society (HIS) are:
a. To provide an international forum for all disciplines and persons interested in the field of hypospadias.
b. To promote and support clinical and experimental research and study in the field of hypospadias.
c. To exchange scientific information, technologigal and scientific know-how among members.
d. To encourage and arrange regular scientific meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, aimed at improving the healthcare of hypospadias patients and providing information to family members, groups, and individuals and parents support Groups and forums.
e. To promote and maintain the highest clinical and ethical standards for the sake of patients and establish an international Hypospadias Registry.
f. To establish international Hypospadias Diploma courses with exams and certificates that recognizes qualified members in the field of hypospadias surgery.
g. To provide technical assistance and establish referral Hypospadias Centers all over the world to serve hypospadias patients.
h. To establish an international scientific Hypospadias Journal with the aim of encouraging and promoting scientific and clinical research in the field of hypospadias.
i. To pursue any activity which is incidental to or consonant with the attainment of any of the aims and objectives of the HIS.
j. To establish the Project Hypo Treat & Train (Hypo T&T) to help children with hypospadias all over the world and help train surgeon all over the world to correct hypospadias successfully.
The name of the Society shall be: HYPOSPADIAS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY. The acronym shall be HIS.
The Hypospadias International Society (HIS) is founded in Seligenstadt, Germany by notarial act on July 6 th, 2017, The Hypospadias International Society has been formed for an indefinite period, commencing on the date of its registration on 06.07.2017
The International language of the Hypospadias International Society is English. The legal language of the society with the German Authorities is German.
HIS memberships consist of
(i) provisional members,
(ii) Ordinary members,
(iii) Emeritus members, and
(iv) Membership of Constituent Societies
For ordinary Membership application, a person shall fill up the Membership Application Form in full details, pay 50 € membership fees per calender year and submit it to the HIS Honorary Administrative Secretary, along with two letters of recommendation from Ordinary Members of the HIS. Applicants will be accepted by the Executive Committee of the HIS as Ordinary member. Provisional member may access the open website. Ordinary Membership shall not become effective until by the executive board.
a. To become an Ordinary Member the applicant must have obtained a postgraduate qualification in the fields of paediatric surgery, paediatric urology, general urology, paediatrics, endocrinology, gynaecology, genetics, psychiatry, OR other disciplines related to the subject of Hypospadias.
b. All applications for membership will be placed before the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will decide on the applicant’s membership at its first commencement.
c. An internationally renowned surgeon or physician who has made an outstanding contribution to the field Hypospadias can be considered for Honorary Membership. Candidates for Honorary Membership will be presented by members of the Executive Committee at the regular Executive Committee meeting. After deliberation and endorsement by the Executive Committee, Honorary Members will be accepted at the following General Body meeting. Honorary Members will enjoy the same privileges and duties of the Ordinary Members.
d. An Ordinary Member may apply to the EC to become Emeritus/Emerita Member at the age of seventy. Emeritus members will continue to exercise the rights of Ordinary Members, but be excused from payment of annual fees of the HIS.
e. Any organisation having purposes similar to those of the HIS shall be eligible for membership as Constituent Society upon nomination in writing by an Ordinary Member. Constituent Societies may chose one delegate to attend the General Assembly of the HIS who will have the same rights as the Ordinary members. This delegate shall submit a brief report of the activities of the Constituent Society to the HIS General Body.
The General Body will determine the amount of Entrance Fee to the HIS, and the Annual Subscription Fee of Ordinary Members. Constituent Members shall remit the same amount.
Ordinary Members who are not in default of any subscription dues to HIS shall be entitled to attend, participate in, and vote at the General Body Meeting, and to stand for election to the Executive Committee, and serve on it, and any other committee or sub-committee of the HIS, and to propose and second candidates for election to membership of the HIS. Ordinary members have 50 € discount for the annual congress and have access to members only corner with presentations, lectures and videos.
a. Ordinary Member resigns him/herself.
b. Does not remit annual subscription fee for one year.
c. Found guilty in not commensurating with the moral ethics of the HIS.
d. Actions taken for member working against the interest of the HIS.
Cessation of membership in cases described in clauses (c) and (d) will be decided by the Executive Committee and submitted to the General Body for ratification.
There will be a Register of Members to be held by Honorary Administrative Secretary. The Register will be updated each year. The Register of Members as existing on 31st December of each year will be taken as the valid list of members.
The power of the members of the HIS will be vested in the General Assembly. All powers shall be exercised by resolution by simple majority (unless otherwise provided herein) of the members of the HIS present and voting at a General Assembly Meeting.
a. A meeting of all the Executive Committee (EC) members of the HIS will be called at least once a year. One of the meetings will convened at the time and place of the Congress of the HIS.
b. Other regular EC meetings may be convened at the invitation of the HIS President.
c. A special EC meeting may be called if more than two – thirds of EC members wish to discuss an urgent matter. This request will be forwarded to the Secretary General, and the place and time of the special EC meeting will be decided by the President.
d. Regular and special meetings of the EC may be conducted through conference calls, video-conference or via online modes. Votes may be taken by the same procedure.
e. The Secretary General will notify all EC members about the date, time, place and/or mode of the meeting. The notice will be accompanied by the agenda.
f. The HIS President may ask the Secretary General to call an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, if circumstances demand. The notice for such a meeting will be 14 days. The quorum for extraordinary General Assembly meeting will be two-thirds of the members. At an extraordinary General Assembly meeting only the notified business will be transacted.
g. The HIS President may hold referenda among members.
h. The HIS President will preside over all General Body meetings. In the absence of the President, the President elect will chair the General Assembly Meeting. In the absence of the President elect, the Secretary General shall preside. In the absence of all three as above, the EC shall select a chairman from amongst themselves for the meeting.
i. All issues will be decided by a consensus of the EC and General Assembly, or by a simple majority. The votings will usually be done by a show of hands.
a. The Executive Committee will be the main administrative authority of the HIS, functioning within the precincts of policies and parameters of its aims and objectives as approved by the General Assembly.
b. The Executive Committee will be answerable to the General Assembly.
In general, the Agenda of the General Body meeting will be as follows:
(i) Opening remarks by the President.
(ii) Confirmation of the minutes of the previous General Assembly meeting.
(iii) Discussion of matters arising out of the minutes.
(iv) Annual report by the Secretary General.
(v) Reports by the committees, sub-committees, and Constituent Societies.
(vi) Proposals for the venue of the next Congress and Wokshop(s).
(vii) Duly notified resolutions.
(viii) Elections.
(ix) Introduction of the President.
(x) Presentation of awards and certificates by the HIS.
1. President
2. Immediate Past-President
3. President-elect
4. Honorary President
5. Secretary General
6. Chairman of the Scientific Committee (to be elected by members of the executive board)
7. Treasurer
8. Other Executive Committee Members: six in number from different continents and from various disciplines.
a. The president will preside over all the meetings of the EC, the General Body meeting, committees and sub-committees, if any.
b. All issues will be decided by consensus or a majority vote. In the event of a tie, the President will have an additional casting vote.
c. The Secretary General will present a summary of the proceedings of the EC meeting to the General Body, at the next General Body meeting.
d. The EC would be responsible for carrying on the aims and the objectives of the HIS effectively and efficiently.
a. The EC members will nominate and elect a member of the EC to serve as President of HIS. The term of this post is for two years, for one time only.
b. The President would serve the HIS Executive Commitee as Immediate Past-President and would remain as a member in the executive board for other 6 years.
c. The EC members will also nominate and elect a President-elect, and his/her term will also be for two years, for one time only.
d. The EC members will nominate and elect a Secretary General. The term of the Secretary General would be for four years. The Secretary General can be re-nominated by the members of the EC.
e. The EC members will nominate and elect the Chairman of the Scientific Committee. The term of the Chairman of the Scientific Committee is for four years. The Chairman of the Scientific Committee can be re-nominated by the members of the EC.
f. The EC members will nominate and elect a Treasurer for the HIS. The term of the Treasurer will be for four years. The Treasurer will be responsible for auditing of the HIS budget accounts and the congress budgets. The treasurer can be re-nominated by the members of the EC.
g. Elected Members of the EC serve for a period of four years. The period may be extended if the member is elected for a term as EC officer.
h. No member may serve more than a total of eight years on the EC as member and officer.
i. The EC may propose to elect an Honorary President for life and there can be only one Honorary President.
a. President: In the event of the position falling vacant due to unforeseen circumstances, the President-elect will function as the President for the residual term of the replaced President.
b. Secretary General: In the event of the position falling vacant due to unforeseen circumstances, the EC will elect a Secretary General.
c. Chairman of the Scientific Committee: In the event of the position falling vacant due to unforeseen circumstances, the EC will elect a Chairman of Scientific Committee.
d. Treasurer: In the event of the position falling vacant due to unforeseen circumstances, the EC will elect an Treasurer.
e. Elected EC member: In the event of a vacancy occuring among the five elected EC members, the vacancy may not be filled for the remaining period.
The minutes of each meeting shall be maintained by the Honorary Secretary General.
Except as otherwise provided in the articles of this HIS Statute, any alteration, amendment or addition to these rules shall be made by the General Assembly meeting by special resolution duly proposed and seconded by valid ordinary members and submitted to the Honorary Secretary General at least two months before the date of the regular General Assembly meeting. At least three-fourths of the members present must vote in the favour of the proposal. Amendments will be indicated in the HIS Statute.
a. The fiscal year of the association will be from the 1st of January to the 31st of December of the same year. Renewal of the HIS must commence from 1st of January for one year.
b. The main sources of revenue for the HIS are the membership subscriptions and, which is determined by the General Body, donations, sponsorships, and income from HIS congresses and workshops.
c. The Treasurer will operate the bank accounts opened in the name of the Hypospadias International Society (HIS).
The HIS proposes to hold annual congresses and workshops on Hypospadias and its related subjects, at a place and time decided by the EC.
The request for holding the HIS Congress and HIS Workshop would be invited through general information to HIS members. Only Ordinary HIS members can submit a request to the EC for holding a HIS Congress or HIS Workshop. The conditions of holding a HIS Congress or HIS Workshop are stipulated in the HIS By-Laws.
The HIS will not be dissolved unless its dissolution is voted and passed by the three-fourths of its members present and voting at a General Body meeting specially convened to discuss and decide on the dissolution of the HIS. Notice for such a meeting should be mailed under certificate of posting at least 30 days before the date of the special General Body meeting. The quorum for such a meeting will be three-fourths of the members on the Register on the day of the issue of notice, providing that this rule shall not be amended or deleted except in the manner and by the special quorum as provided herein.
Subject to approval of the General Assembly the Executive Committee may define by-laws to implement the aims of the Hypospadias International Society.
1. The HIS Executive Committee, as determined by the Statute of the HIS, shall conduct the daily affairs of the HIS, represent the HIS in legal matters, in and out of court, and be entitled to all acts of management and ownership relating to the object of the HIS.
2. The Executive Committee may decide to form committees and sub-committees relative to functions of the HIS, the members of whom will be elected by the EC among HIS members. The President will be presiding over the HIS committees and sub-committees. The term of and responsibilities of these committees and sub-committees will be defined in the EC decision.
3. The Executive Committee shall determine the date, time and place of scientific meetings. The EC can invite a member to organise a scientific meeting.
4. Ordinary Members can propose to organise an HIS Congress, an HIS Workshop or other scientific activity in the name of the HIS. Proposals may be presented at the General Assembly for the information of the members, after which they must be forwarded to the EC in writing, with a detailed programme and budget. The proposal will be discussed and accepted by the EC.
5. HIS Congress and Workshop programmes will be confirmed in a contract signed by the local organisers and the HIS President and Secrertary General.
6. The Scientific Committee of the HIS Congress will consist of nine members: five members, including the HIS President and Chairman of the Scientific Committee, to be chosen by the EC, and four by Local Organising Committee. The HIS President will preside over the HIS Congress Scientific Committee which will be responsible for the scientific programme of the congress. The HIS Congress programme may include a surgical workshop. In this case the same Congress Scientific Committee will be responsible for the workshop programme. The local organiser is responsible for running the workshop, the relation with the institution and patients. The financial responsibility and liablities of the congress and workshop organisations are on the local organising committee.
7. The Registration Fee of the HIS Congress and Workshop will be proposed by the local organisers and must be approved by the EC. The EC may request a contribution per delegate to be included in the registration fee.
8. The Local Organising Committee of the HIS Congress and Workshop shall welcome all members of the HIS and delegates of the HIS Congress and participants of the HIS Workshop in his/her country, and if necessary, shall write a letter to facilitate obtaining the visa to enter the host country.
9. Any sub-contracts by the local organisers remain under the responsibility of the local organisers. A report and budget of the activity will be presented to the EC no later than three months after completion of the activity.
11. Confirmation of the balance sheet and the financial statements by the General Assembly of HIS membres shall constitute discharge from liability to the Executive Committee for the management of this committee.
12. The HIS will establish a scientific International Hypospadias Journal as the official journal of the HIS. Until then, the EC is entitled to choose a professional medical Journal as the official journal of the HIS. The EC will also consider the benifits of HIS members in this decision. The EC will also designate a web-master to maintain and update the HIS web-page and other social media.
13. The HIS will establish an International Hypospadias Diploma with courses, exams and certificates to recognise fully trained surgeons in the field of Hypospadias.
14. The HIS will promote, support and help to establish and maintain Hypospadias Centers all over the world to maintain high standards of service for hypospadias patients.
15. Any notice in the name of the HIS must be signed by the president and the Secretary General. Relevant document will be jointly signed by the Secretary General and/or the Treasurer.
16. Authorisation to spend or transfer HIS funds will be granted only by consensus of the Executive Committee members.